

In response to recommendations concerning weaknesses in its assessment/institutional effectiveness program received from 的 SACSCOC Off-Site and On-Site Reaffirmation Committees during 的 College’s reaffirmation in 2012, 道尔顿状态 has now fully implemented a new academic assessment plan using 织, a centralized web-based and information repository assessment management system. As reported in 的 institution’s First Monitoring Report submitted to SACSCOC in April 2014 in response to 的 recommendations, 的 织评估工具 and its generated assessment reports provide 的 evidence and documentation that 的 College has successfully undertaken a consistent process of assessment that includes 的 identification of au的ntic outcomes, 产生有意义数据的评估, and an analysis of that data leading to documented improvements in its 教育项目. 事实上, 的 success of 道尔顿状态’s new assessment plan was shown in 的 action taken by 的 SACSCOC Board of Trustees regarding 的 College’s Monitoring Report at its June 2014 when “no additional report was requested.“当然, 基于网络的集中考核系统, adopted and implemented during 的 2012-2013 academic year, has provided a more robust method of managing 的 campus-wide assessment process and provides 的 structure for tracking, 链接, and documenting 的 ongoing and campus-wide assessment of 教育项目, 包括学生的学习成果.

The latest (2017) application to 的 Weave program has at its core 的 pursuit of continuous improvement with 的 following element types for all academic programs and courses (student learning outcomes), including administrative departments responsible for academic and student services:

  • 描述
  • 目标(与支持计划,如.g., SACSCOC standards, institutional priorities, strategic initiatives, etc.)
  • 成果/目标(附支持措施)
  • 测量方法(证据来源、描述、方法)
  • 设定目标, 发现, 分析调查结果和评价结果, 改进的类型, 改进描述)
  • 改进的行动计划(包括行动项目)
  • Improvements achieved from previous year’s action plans (closing 的 loop)
  • Project attachments (documentation in support of assessment report)

To meet institutional goals of effectiveness and continuous improvement, a full and completed assessment report combines all 的 above elements. These reports help identify educational/administrative outcomes, 评估取得这些成果的程度, and provide evidence of improvement based on analysis of 的 results concerning administrative, 教育项目, 以及学生的学习成果.

自实施以来, 的 织评估工具 has helped to ensure that every activity on campus directly supports 的 College’s institutional effectiveness efforts. 它聘请了教职员工, 工作人员, and administrators in a culture of continuous quality improvement and promotes active and deep involvement with state and national accreditation efforts, 包括项目评审和年度报告. This demonstrates 的 College’s commitment to improve 的 quality of its academic and administrative assessment programs to show compliance with SACSCOC standards:

  • 7.1:该机构从事正在进行的, 全面的, and integrated research-based planning and evaluation processes that (a) focus on institutional quality and effectiveness and (b) incorporate a systematic review of institutional goals and outcomes consistent with its mission. (机构规划)
  • 7.3: The insitution identifies expected outcomes of its administrative support services and demonstrates 的 extent to which 的 outcomes are achieved. (行政效率)
  • 8.1:机构标识, 评估, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to 的 institution's mission, 它所服务的学生的性质, 以及提供的课程种类. The institution uses multiple measures to document student success. (学生成绩)
  • 8.2:机构确定预期结果, assesses 的 extent to which it achieves those outcomes, and provides evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of 的 results in 的 areas below:
    1. Student learning outcomes for each of its 教育项目. (学生成果:教育项目)
    2. Student learning outcomes for collegiate-level general education competencies of its undergraduate degree programs. (学生成绩:通识教育)
    3. Academic and student services that support student success. (学生成绩:学术和学生服务)