

The linked documents below contain 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址's public disclosure of its goals for student achievement and student success in reaching those goals:


核心要求8.认可原则之一:提升质素的基础, 南方学院和学校协会委员会(SACSCOC)表示,

“该机构认定, 评估, 并公布与学校使命相适应的学生成就目标和结果, 它所服务的学生的性质, 以及提供的课程种类. 该机构使用多种方法来记录学生的成功."

澳门新葡京娱乐城网址选择了以下五个衡量标准, 国家学生信息中心的总完成率已被确定为SACSCOC报告的关键学生完成率指标.  对于每个测量, 学院已经确定了录取的理由, 最近的表现, 明年的目标, 还有一个长期目标, 还有一些额外的解释.


The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Total Completions Rate (TCR) is compiled by the NSC and reflects the proportion of all students who begin at 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 in a particular fall term and complete any college credential at any institution within six years.队列的定义不同于其他队列的定义, 例如用于爱浦多报告的那些.  而TCR包含了传统毕业率指标中出现的学生的信息, 谁最初注册全日制课程,并从最初注册的机构获得最初注册的学位, TCR还包括最初注册的非全日制学生的信息, 在没有获得最初入学学位的情况下,在学位级别之间切换, 和/或转学到另一所学校获得证书. 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址提供三个不同级别的本科证书, 联系, 以及学士学位课程, 因此,学生在学位级别之间转换是经常发生的事情. 另外, 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址在其AA通识研究和AS通识研究项目中保留了几个副学士学位转换途径, 学生经常进入我们自己的学士学位课程或在完成副学士学位之前转到其他机构. 像这样, 道尔顿状态 believes that the Total Completions Rate best captures how well it is achieving its mission to provide "opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to attain affordable baccalaureate degrees, 副学士学位和证书,以实现他们的个人和职业目标."


队列 2013年秋季 2014年秋季 2015年秋季 2016年秋季
实际 44.58% 48.34% 45.95%  
目标       44.5%

澳门新葡京娱乐城网址的长期目标是TCR达到或超过42.2020年秋季为4%. 在制定这一长期目标和上述短期目标时, the institution incorporated data that includes decreasing retention (students staying at the same institution one year later) and persistence (students enrolling at any higher-education institution one year later) rates and impacts of the pandemic on these rates. 虽然2020年秋季队列的官方NSC数据尚未与持久性相关, 该机构可获得的其他数据表明,这一队列的坚持率明显较低. 一旦2020年秋季队列的官方NSC持久性数据可用, 我们计划相应地修改这一目标.


作为副学士学位授予机构, 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 tracks its three-year graduation rate for its 联系-seeking cohorts following 爱浦多 definitions (first-time full-time degree-seeking students). This reflects the proportion of all students who start their college enrollment as students at 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 enrolled full-time in an 联系-level degree program that complete an 联系 degree at 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 within three years.


队列 2015年秋季 2016年秋季 2017年秋季 2018年秋季 2019年秋季 2020年秋季
实际 10.7% 5.1%* 13.0% 11.9% 13.0%  
目标         12.0% 12.0%

澳门新葡京娱乐城网址(澳门新葡京娱乐城网址)制定了一个长期目标,即三年制准学士毕业率达到15%.2024年秋季班为0%. 在制定2019年秋季和2020年秋季的目标时, 该机构考虑了最近一年留校率下降的趋势和疫情. 为2024年秋季的学生设定目标, 该机构纳入了提高留职率的目标.

Particular challenges related to this metric include students transferring out or switching to DSC baccalaureate program before earning the 联系s degree and students who transition into one of DSC's selective 联系s programs in Health Professions, 哪些学校有学生必须完成的课程前要求,以及入学后两年严格的课程顺序.

* 2016年秋季毕业生的三年制助理毕业率低得惊人. 目前还没有明确的原因, 接下来的三年是自2000年代中期以来的最高水平. A similar dip has been seen in the 2016年秋季 bachelor's-seeking cohort's six-year graduation rate and we are curious to see if this appears in the Total Completions rate as well.


作为学士学位授予机构, 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 tracks its six-year graduation rate for its bachelor's-seeking cohorts following 爱浦多 definitions (first-time full-time degree-seeking students). This reflects the proportion of all students who start their college enrollment as students at 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 enrolled full-time in a baccalaureate-level degree program that complete a bachelor's degree within six years.


队列 2012年秋季 2013年秋季 2014年秋季 2015年秋季 2016年秋季 2017年秋季
实际 28.1% 26.4% 34.8% 29.7% 24.7%*  
目标         28.4% 29.5%

澳门新葡京娱乐城网址(澳门新葡京娱乐城网址)制定了一个长期目标,即6年本科毕业率达到29%.2021年秋季班为0%. 制定2016年秋季和2017年秋季的目标, 该机构考虑了最近一年留校率下降的趋势和疫情. 在制定2021年秋季班的目标时, 该机构纳入了提高留职率的目标.

* 2016年秋季毕业生的6年制学士学位毕业率低得惊人. 目前还没有明确的原因, 2017年秋季本科毕业生的五年制本科毕业率已经达到了25%.6%,这看起来很奇怪. A similar dip had been seen in the 2016年秋季 联系-seeking cohort's three-year graduation rate and we are curious to see if this appears in the Total Completions rate as well.


澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 tracks its one-year retention rates for both first-time full-time 联系-seeking and first-time full-time bachelor's seeking students, but is using the one-year retention rate for all first-time full-time degree-seeking students due to the frequency at which students switch between degree levels. This rate measures the proportion of students who enroll as first-time full-time degree-seeking students in a particular fall semester and then either enroll in the following fall semester or graduate from their degree program by the following fall semester. The latter situation is possible in one-year certificate programs or for students who were dual enrollment students and accumulated a significant number of credits before their high school graduations and thus were first-time full-time students with many already-earned credits.


队列 2017年秋季 2018年秋季 2019年秋季 2020年秋季 2021年秋季 2022年秋季
实际 67.7% 64.5% 67.2% 63.9% 63.8%  
目标         64.0% 64.5%

澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 has established a long-term goal of having a one-year retention rate for all first-time full-time degree-seeking students of 68.2026年秋季队列为0%,略高于大流行前队列的五年平均水平. 在制定2021年秋季和2022年秋季的目标时, 该机构考虑了最近一年留校率下降的趋势和疫情 as well as efforts to stop and reverse that trend. 为2026年秋季的学生设定目标, 作为为此目的所作努力的结果,该机构谋求逐步提高留校率.


执照和认证考试对教育和卫生专业毕业生的就业机会起着重要作用. 而卫生专业出现在澳门新葡京娱乐城网址的2020-2024年战略计划和乔治亚州2024年战略计划的大学系统中, 教育和卫生专业人员短缺是全国关注的问题. 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 wants to ensure that its graduates in these fields are prepared to succeed in their licensure and certification exams so that they can progress into 联系d careers.

每个项目都建立了一个基准, 在大多数情况下,哪个是项目认证机构或相关州机构制定的最低要求.  一些项目有更高的目标或基准,以国家和/或州的通过率为基准,这些通过率每年都是可变的, 他们的目标都是100%的通过率.  每个程序的固定基准在下表的第二列中列出.



课程和考试 基准 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
全国委员会执照考试- PN
80% 90% 94% 97% 78%** 97%
75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
60%       100% 86%
80% 93% 90% 91% 94% 82%
80% 100% 100% 99% 99% 100%

The GACE results are compiled for the 12-month period ending August 31 of the specified year and ARRT results are compiled for the 12-month period ending May 31 of the specified year. 所有其他结果均按日历年编制.

*参加临床模拟考试的个人需要通过TMC考试的高分, 要取得注册呼吸治疗师资格必须通过哪些考试. 对高通过率的跟踪始于2020年.

**新冠肺炎疫情被怀疑是2020年NCLEX-PN考试成绩低于阈值的重要原因. 2021年得分的反弹似乎表明,这是一次罕见的事件, 但监测仍将继续.

